Green Building Pages
Green Building Pages is a comprehensive Internet resource for anyone interested in sustainable design and building, a tool for architects, designers, builders, engineers, spec writers, and construction clients. Green Building Pages materials database provides these users with all the necessary product and contact information, as well as comments on detailed environmental and social criteria that show the overall sustainability of a product. Green Building Pages is a for-profit business dedicated to the research and promotion of sustainable building materials.

Green Building Pages began as the Sustainable Building Materials Resource Guide, the brainchild of Marilyn Farmer, AIA, at Habitat Studio. Years of her personal and professional research in sustainability and sustainable building, as well as a growing database of over 2,000 building materials, continuously added to and maintained by her architectural office, have accumulated into what is now the Green Building Pages website. To see other organizations and individuals who have contributed to the development of Green Building Pages, go to "About GBP" on the Green Building Pages website.

Green Building Pages
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