CTech 253
Fall 2000 Marilyn Farmer, AIA, Instructor
Community Center Design
This project will last the remainder of the quarter and will be comprised of a series of mini-projects which will become the final presentation. Habitat for Humanity has decided as a way to create community that its organization will begin sponsoring the building of community centers in many of the communities where it has been involved in building homes. Recognizing that communities, cultures, environments, and resources are wide ranging, they are endeavoring to begin this new project focus by commissioning ten different designs to serve as prototypes for the very different locales in which they work. You have been selected to design one of the prototypes which will include the following:

-Food preparation area/kitchen to be used for community events but also daily by women starting baking businesses,
-Restrooms (2 - can be detached),
-Indoor gathering space for 30-50 people (weekdays it will be used for pre-school),
-Garden/Outdoor gathering for 75-100 with stage,
-Variety of garden spaces,
-2 parking spaces,
-Handicap accessibility
-Strong relationship between indoor/outdoor /built environment / 'natural' environment,
-Integration with other buildings / activities adjacent to site.


Final presentation to include:


-Site Analysis,
-Pattern Language Sketch Studies,
-Research documentation, ÔclientÕ interviews & activities, photos & culture sketches, -Program Statements (Mission Statement, Goals, Performance Requirements, Partis), -Light Design,
-Site Plan /Parti Models (cardboard, I-board, white paper, NO COLORS, with contours),
-Building Model & Site Model (balsa wood, mylar, foam core or cardboard, metal, showing major structural members, NO COLORS),
-5 (minimum) Pattern Language sketches from your design illustrating patterns you incorporated (simple, small line sketches with watercolor, pattern title and description),
- Web site page.